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  • United Actuarial Service's research department provides research services to TIC consultants and benefit administrators.  We also offer them on a subscription basis to attorneys, salaried administrators, other third party administration companies and other employee benefit plan advisors. Our research department is headed by an attorney who analyzes new laws and regulations and judicial developments that affect employee benefit plans.

    We are in frequent contact with regulators in Washington to gain special insight as to the intent of regulations. We submit written comments on proposed regulations to bring to the Government's attention provisions that may have unintended and undesirable consequences to our clients or which we believe are unnecessarily complicated and excessively expensive to administer.

    During a typical year we issue 70 or more research reports including:

    • Research Memos that provide detailed analysis of new laws and regulations and what must be done to assure compliance.  These are written for administrative managers, consultants, and attorneys.

    • Client Bulletins that focus on legislative, regulatory, judicial, and other developments which require client action.  These are written primarily for clients.

    • Special Bulletins that focus on a single "hot topic" that requires immediate attention by administrative managers and/or other plan professionals.

    • Benefit News Brief that contain articles dealing with the latest court decisions, legislation, regulations, and other important developments affecting client plans.

    • Topical Index that makes it easy for clients and subscribers to locate information needed from previous research publications by grouping the information under specific topics.

    • Special Research Reports that are comprehensive studies intended to satisfy specific needs:

      ERISA Compliance Manual
      Pension Law Review
      Employer Withdrawal Liability Compliance Manual
    The research department also conducts on-site Compliance Audits at a plan administrator's office to help identify any problems with federal law or regulation and to suggest appropriate corrective measures.